Plastic Roads
The disposal of waste plastic is a major problem. It is nonbiodegradable & mainly consists of low-density polyethylene. The burning of these waste plastic bags causes environmental pollution. To find its utility in bituminous mixes for road construction, Laboratory performance studies were conducted on bituminous mixes Laboratory studies proved that waste plastic enhances the property of the mix. Improvement in properties of a bituminous mix provides the solution for disposal in a useful way. Bottles, containers packing strips, etc. are increasing day by day. As a result of the amount of waste plastic also increases. This leads to various environmental problems. Many of the wastes produced today will remain in the environment for many years leading to various environmental concerns. Therefore it is necessary to utilize the wastes effectively with technical development in each field. Many by-products are being produced using plastic wastes. Plastic waste, consisting of carrying bags, cups, and other utilized plastic can be used as a coating on aggregate and this coated stone can be used for road construction. The mixed polymer coated aggregate and tire-modified bitumen have shown higher strength. The use of this mix for road construction helps to use plastic waste. Once the plastic waste is separated from municipal solid waste, the organic matter can be converted into manure and used. The paper will discuss in detail the process and its successful applications.
The roads constructed using waste plastic, popularly known as Plastic Roads, are found to perform better compared to those constructed with conventional bitumen. The Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE) has been promoting the use of plastic waste to construct asphalt roads. A few trial roads have been paved successfully by combining waste plastic with bitumen.
The significance of Plastic Roads
- The addition of waste plastic modifies the properties of bitumen.
- The modified bitumen shows a good result when compared to standard results.
- The optimum content of waste plastic to be used is in the range of 5% to 10%.
- The problems like bleeding are reduced in hot temperature regions.
- Plastic has the property of absorbing sound, which also helps in reducing the sound pollution of heavy traffic.
- The waste plastics thus can be put to use and it ultimately improves the quality and performance of roads.
- The total material cost of the project is reduced by 7.99%
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