Learn about Technological Unemployment through the seminar PPT. Are robots really taking and stealing our jobs? Will they replace human jobs? or it's just a paradox. Get the detail historical and present-day analysis, statistics and solutions of the unemployment caused by automation.
Technological unemployment occurs when developments in technology and working practices cause some workers to lose their jobs. Such developments typically include the introduction of labor-saving"mechanical-muscle" machines or more efficient "mechanical-mind" processes (automation). Technological unemployment is considered to be part of a wider concept known as structural unemployment. Humans' jobs have also been affected throughout modern history. The general consensus that innovation does not cause long-term unemployment held strong in the first decade of the 21st century although it continued to be challenged by a number of academic works. Concern about technological unemployment grew in 2013 due in part to a number of studies predicting substantially increased technological unemployment in forthcoming decades.
Technological unemployment occurs when developments in technology and working practices cause some workers to lose their jobs. Such developments typically include the introduction of labor-saving"mechanical-muscle" machines or more efficient "mechanical-mind" processes (automation). Technological unemployment is considered to be part of a wider concept known as structural unemployment. Humans' jobs have also been affected throughout modern history. The general consensus that innovation does not cause long-term unemployment held strong in the first decade of the 21st century although it continued to be challenged by a number of academic works. Concern about technological unemployment grew in 2013 due in part to a number of studies predicting substantially increased technological unemployment in forthcoming decades.
In certain sectors, employment was falling worldwide despite rising output, thus discounting globalization and offshoring as the only cause of increasing unemployment. The 21st century has seen a variety of skilled tasks partially taken over by machines, including translation, legal research, and even low-level journalism. Care work, entertainment, and other tasks requiring empathy, previously thought safe from automation, have also begun to be performed by robots. Concerns have included evidence showing worldwide falls in employment across sectors such as manufacturing. Professor Mark MacCarthy stated in the fall of 2014 that it is now the "prevailing opinion" that the era of technological unemployment has arrived.
Technological Unemployment in developing countries
A 2016 United Nations report stated that 75% of jobs in the developing world were at risk of automation, and predicted that more jobs might be lost when corporations stop outsourcing to developing countries after automation in industrialized countries makes it less lucrative to outsource to countries with lower labor costs.
In January 2016, a joint study by the Oxford Martin School and Citibank, based on previous studies on automation and data from the World Bank, found that the risk of automation in developing countries was much higher than in developed countries.
It found that 77%of jobs in China • 69%of jobs in India • 85%of jobs in Ethiopia • 55%of jobs in Uzbekistan were at risk of automation
A 2016 study by the International LabourOrganization found • 74%of salaried jobs in Thailand • 75%of salaried jobs in Vietnam • 63%of salaried jobs in Indonesia • 81%of salaried jobs in the Philippines were at high risk of automation.
Technological Unemployment in developed countries
A November 2017 report by the McKinsey Global Institute that analyzed around 800 occupations in 46 countries estimated that between 400 million and 800 million jobs could be lost due to robotic automation by 2030. It estimated that jobs were more at risk in developed countries than in developing countries due to the greater availability of capital to invest in automation
A 2017 study by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that up to • 38% of jobs in the US • 35%of jobs in Germany • 30% of jobs in the UK, and • 21%of jobs in Japan were at high risk of being automated by the early 2030s.
Reports of no Technological Unemployment
However, not all recent empirical studies have found evidence to support the idea that automation will cause widespread unemployment. A study released in 2015, examining the impact of industrial robots in 17 countries between 1993and 2007, found no overall reduction in employment was caused by the robots, and that there was a slight increase in overall wages. In 2017, Forrester estimated that automation would result in a net loss of about 7% of jobs in the US by 2027, replacing 17%of jobs while creating new jobs equivalent to 10% of the workforce. Another study argued that the risk of US jobs to automation had been overestimated due to factors such as the heterogeneity of tasks within occupations and the adaptability of jobs being neglected. The study found that once this was taken into account, the number of occupations at risk to automation in the US drops, ceteris paribus, from 38%to 9%.
Download the Seminar Technological Unemployment ppt to learn in detail about Technological Unemployment in the year 2018. The pessimists (many of them techie types), who say this time is different and machines really will take all the jobs and the optimists (mostly economists and historians), insist that in the end technology always creates more jobs than it destroys. Certainly, there are some pros and cons of embracing automation and robotics in modern industries. But there are some solutions that lie in between them.
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