Seminar Report on Electrochemical Reactor

Download Seminar Report on the topic Electrochemical Reactor for Chemical Engineering. This seminar report considers critical design features and figures of merit for electrochemical reactors that have been used in environmental treatment.


The operating modes of electrochemical reactors vary as widely as the designs of the reactors. This is determined not only by the chemical behavior of the different electrolytes, especially their corrosively, but also by the very different products. These can be formed as solids, as in electrodeposition, in liquid form, as in the case of many substances that react further in the liquid phase, or as a gaseous phase, for example, in the electrolysis of water. Operating temperatures cover a wide range, from room temperature to 1000 °C. In most cases, the electrolytes are liquid solutions or melts, but more recently also solids (e.g., solid polymer electrolytes) and in special cases gases, as in high‐temperature water electrolysis, or plasmas in glow‐discharge electrolysis. Accordingly, the materials and shapes of the electrodes are also very diverse. The simplest electrodes are those with flat surfaces. Two such electrodes face each other a few millimeters apart in order to minimize the ohmic potential drop across the gap, or they are divided by a liquid‐permeable diaphragm or gas‐permeable membrane, which also separates the electrolyte chambers from one another. In many cases, specially shaped electrodes are used that better meet the requirements of a process. Their influence on the design and operation of the reactors is the subject of this article. In particular, these are reactors with gas‐evolving electrodes and special reactor designs to meet specific requirements.

Electrochemical Reactor Seminar Report 

This seminar report considers critical design features and figures of merit for electrochemical reactors that have been used in environmental treatment. The seminar report will illustrate the application of electrochemical reactors to pollution control by considering aspects of reactor design and figures of merit as performance indicators. Electrochemical processes have been used for decades in various industrial branches e.g. Synthesis of fine chemicals, production of particular metals e.g. aluminum and sodium, production of gaseous elements such as hydrogen, chlorine or fluorine, deposition of metals or alloys, and pollution treatment.

In addition to these industrial applications, electrochemical techniques represent powerful tools for the investigation of physical phenomena e.g. mass transfer or hydrodynamics in the vicinity of solid surfaces in contact with a liquid. The large panel offered by electrochemical techniques results from two main features of electrochemical systems:

Electrochemical reactions are heterogeneous processes, therefore exhibiting numerous similarities with catalytic processes. The electrochemical conversion consists of the sequence of chemical Steps e.g. adsorption, electrode reactions, together with possible chemical reactions, and physical steps such as transport and transfer processes.

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