Employee Management System
The project contains modules like Employee and Admin. This version of the software has a multi-user approach. For further enhancement or development of the package, the user’s feedback will be considered. The application is actually a suite of applications developed using PHP. It is simple to understand and can be used by anyone who is not even familiar with a simple employee system. Download Seminar Report
Project on Employee Management System: PDF, DOC, PPT
Employee Management System Project
Abstract: This report includes a development presentation of an information system for managing the staff data within a small company or organization. The system as such as it has been developed is called Employee Management System. It consists of a functionally related GUI (application program) and a database. The choice of the programming tools is individual and particular. Download
Project on Employee Database and Payroll Management System
Abstract: “Employee Database And Payroll Management System” is designed to make the existing manual system automatic with the help of computerized equipment and full-edged computer software, fulfilling their requirements so that their valuable data and information can be stored for a longer period with easy access and manipulation of the same. The required software is easily available and easy to work with. This web application can maintain and view computerized records without getting redundant entries. The project describes how to manage user data for good performance and provide better services for the client. The main objective of this framework is to save time, make the system cost-effective, and manage records efficiently. Download
Employee Management System using Python
The task is to create a Database-driven Employee Management System in Python that will store the information in the MySQL Database. The script will contain the following operations: Add Employee, Remove Employee, Promote Employee, Display Employees. Project Article
Employee Management System Using C++
Employ management system using C++ is a menu-driven program which allows us to add, update, delete and search record of an employee working in an organization. The program employee management system stores employee ID, name, post, department, and salary of the employee. Initially, it has no data. Project Article